Friday, September 26, 2014

Socratic Seminar Discussion

In Tuesday's class we had a discussion about Child Labor. One of the main questions was, would you buy products made with child labor?

One key point I brought to the discussion was, before we researched I didn't really know that child labor existed. I also said how I thought the conditions they worked in were surprising. For example, while they were working on the fields, pesticides were being sprayed which can be very bad for they health. Another thing I said during the discussion was, I think that mostly the children should decide whether or not they should work. They should obviously discuss it with their parents. But, I think it is mainly their decision whether they work or not.

One key point brought up by another student that I found influential or important is, they would buy products made with child labor because there really isn't a good way to tell whether or not it was made with child labor. Another key point brought up by a student is they would want to buy products made with child labor because the reason why the children are working is to earn money and they can't earn money unless people buy their products. the last key point that I found interesting from a student was, they wouldn't buy products made from child labor because they don't like the conditions that the children work in and they think it is wrong.

I think our group did well on many things. One thing we did well on was speaking loudly. Another thing we did well on was, communicating with each other and responding to each other. One thing we can improve on is, making sure everyone gets to speak. Another thing we can improve on is, getting rid of the awkward pauses.

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